The Platform is a meeting place for the professional public, government authorities, companies with a focus on environmental and water protection issues, including scientific and research organisations.

Today, it is essential that we begin to make full use of all the resources available in the Czech Republic and become as self-sufficient in raw materials and energy as possible.

It is a standard practice for responsible companies to use a wide range of tools to reduce the environmental impact of their activities, including the need to address the meaningful recovery of waste raw materials into new resources according to the principles of the circular economy.

The OilStop Platform is intended to bring together the various interest groups and industries and help set up a fully functioning system for the management of waste edible oils, including their end use.

Each member company of the OilStop Platform respects the following core principles:

It is aware of its wider role in society and behaves responsibly towards its employees, its clients, the community in which it operates and society as a whole.

It supports community service activities in a systematic, long-term, transparent and non- compensatory manner. Based on the needs of society, it focuses on the areas that need the most help. A responsible company is also willing to support unconventional projects to help those in need.

It also takes a responsible approach to environmental issues and uses a wide range of tools to reduce the impact of its activities.